Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Peering at a pear

Today my friend Jess had me look at her momma’s ring. Her mom is very sick, I won’t go into details as it is not my story, but my heart aches for her. I recently lost my dad and mom, I know some of what she is feeling. Her mom gave her the ring, she wanted her to have it now. Jess wanted the prongs checked out to make sure it was safe to wear, I looked at a couple of other rings as well for her. They all were quite beautiful, I know she will treasure her momma’s ring for the rest of her life. I know it will bring her comfort, when there is so much ugliness and pain in the world it’s nice to have a pretty link to look at. And that is what jewelry is ~ a link, a memory, a token of love. Jewelry is so many things, it is so much more than sparkle.
All that being said, after I had assured her the stone was secure, my friend was still apprehensive about wearing it, for fear it might become lost or damaged. I know that I have had those fears about some of my favorite pieces. Will they match what I am wearing ect.. ( and big rocks go with anything by the way J )
My opinion on this is that it is like the fine china or special linen that never get’s used because you are waiting for that special occasion. Wear it now! Use it now! Life is so short, every moment should be a celebration. Also your kids will think you look “Fancy“!