Sunday, November 27, 2011

I miss him at Christmas the most

With Christmas coming up soon, I am really missing my parents something awful today. I lost my dad in 2010, and my mom passed in 2006, losing them and my grandma that next year, dealt me with a huge blow that I am still trying to recover from. They were the closest people to me in the world. When I think about them, I am always comforted that I have so many great memories of them. Since Jewelry is my life, the pieces of jewelry I have from them means everything to me.
  The item I have that reminds me most of my dad is his resin encased spider bracelet. I can remember him wearing it when I was very young, and asking him over and over “Is it real?”
Now, something you may or may not know about me is that I am absolutely terrified of spiders beyond belief. I know many people suffer from arachnophobia, but it is very severe with me.  To make matters worse we live in the woods on a farm, so wolf spiders are very common here. The free ranging chickens have cut down on the presence quite a bit, and bless her heart, my 10 year old Sonora squashes them for me.
  Being aware of all this it may seem strange that I love this bracelet so much, and I do. I can picture it on his arm, I can see his smile when he talks about it. I can’t wear it, but maybe someday it will help me overcome my fear.
About the bracelet, It is made of hand tooled leather over a metal base, the real spider is encased in plastic resin material. It dates from the late 60’s early 1970’s