Sunday, November 27, 2011

I miss him at Christmas the most

With Christmas coming up soon, I am really missing my parents something awful today. I lost my dad in 2010, and my mom passed in 2006, losing them and my grandma that next year, dealt me with a huge blow that I am still trying to recover from. They were the closest people to me in the world. When I think about them, I am always comforted that I have so many great memories of them. Since Jewelry is my life, the pieces of jewelry I have from them means everything to me.
  The item I have that reminds me most of my dad is his resin encased spider bracelet. I can remember him wearing it when I was very young, and asking him over and over “Is it real?”
Now, something you may or may not know about me is that I am absolutely terrified of spiders beyond belief. I know many people suffer from arachnophobia, but it is very severe with me.  To make matters worse we live in the woods on a farm, so wolf spiders are very common here. The free ranging chickens have cut down on the presence quite a bit, and bless her heart, my 10 year old Sonora squashes them for me.
  Being aware of all this it may seem strange that I love this bracelet so much, and I do. I can picture it on his arm, I can see his smile when he talks about it. I can’t wear it, but maybe someday it will help me overcome my fear.
About the bracelet, It is made of hand tooled leather over a metal base, the real spider is encased in plastic resin material. It dates from the late 60’s early 1970’s


  1. What an awesome thing to have to remind you of your dad! It's the coolest looking bracelet I've ever seen.

  2. Oh the spider bracelet! How could I ever forget THAT! It is one of a kind for sure, and it does evoke strong memories too. Thanks for posting! Great picture.

  3. I have a similar one and never thought I'd find one like it as quickly as I did. So cool. I have no idea who made it,it was my mothers. Hope you have it forever.

    1. Sarah,
      If your bracelet doesn't hold significant memories for you like it does for Heather, would you consider parting with yours? Please read my longer post to see why I am interested. Thanks in advance for your reply.

  4. I have a spider ring from the 60's with a very similar spider and have been looking for some other vintage spider jewelry to go with it, which is how I came across this blog. It is so cool that you have this bracelet to remind you of your dad, and maybe it will eventually help you get over your fear of spiders. I got the spider ring initially to help me get over my severe fear of spiders (I have been bitten twice by brown recluses and had to have surgery with one of the bites because it was on my abdomen and it made a 3 inch deep hole by the time they cut it open to stop the poison from killing any more tissue. Anyway, the ring did not cure my fear but did make me realize that spiders are gorgeous and gave me a new found respect for them. Keep enjoying your awesome memories!

  5. Not sure if you still have this blog, but my friend bought me one exactly like this about five years ago. It looks exactly like this. Do you still have it?
