Sunday, March 3, 2013

For My Amazing girl

“If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow men.”—Francis of Assisi

Oh taking a break from Jewelry blogging today. To me nothing is more shiny than Jewelry than maybe perhaps a newborn baby goat.
My thirteen year old daughter has a small goat herd on our farm, she started it in November 2011 with a billy goat (Billy Bob) she had asked for and got for her birthday. 

Over that summer she and her sister worked for our great neighbors dog sitting their fur babies while she was working some long hours. Montana saved every penny she earned and bought a couple nanny goats My girl paid for the wormer, feed, medication, ect. all from her hard earned money. She got some more dough for Christmas from her MiMa Instead of buying the newest electronic gadget or makeup, clothes, and stuff the typical teenager would buy she added more goats to her herd. 

She has put them up at night, caught them when they escaped, learned how to trim their hooves all by her self with the help of my best friend who taught her, she caught on very quick.

In November 2012 she had her first baby goat that she named winter, and shortly after came Eve (born on December 23rd) 
Again Montana surpassed all my expectations of a 13 year old, she put the momma's and babies up in the barn every night until they were big enough to stay in the pasture with the herd. We do have a bad coyote problem here.
Well a couple days ago another one of her Nanny goats had baby twins, just the most precious thing in the world. 

It was unseasonable cold here in Tennessee, we had a light snow and they were born at night, we immediate put them in the barn, but by the next day one of the baby's temp had dropped to 90.1. A normal goat temp should be 101-103. We submersed him in a warm water bath followed by hot towels and a blow dryer. We managed after 3 hours to get his temp up to 98.1. I was amazed to see my delicate daughter taking a goat temp by the rectal method. She is such the trooper. The baby boy she named Stripe died despite our best efforts. Mamma and baby girl 2 were still in the barn and seemed to be doing ok, later that night the second baby was not looking good. Me being the crazy lady I am, I let the Nanny and baby in the house, 

daughter checked the temp rectally again (My super trooper) and it was 100.3 mama seemed to be taking good care of the baby girl, but I stayed up until 1:30AM checking and finally went to sleep, Then about 6AM I awoke to a heartbreaking baaahhing sound from the bathroom. the poor baby goat darlin girl had passed. I guess sometimes it's just not meant to be. I  am so proud of my daughter, she continues to amaze me every day, and I feel so blessed to have this life.

1 comment:

  1. You have a very special daughter, God has blessed you greatly.
    I am sorry to hear about the baby goats, but any new ones that do come along will be loved very deeply by you all.
    bless you
