Friday, April 20, 2012

Grumpy Little Men & Dollhouse Dreaming

Once years ago, I had a yard sale and being utterly exhausted by the end of the weekends, I neglected to take down our sign at one end of our street. On Sunday, a very grumpy little man came up to my door with sign in hand and yelled at me for not taking it down. I have become that grumpy little man. It really irritates me when I am looking for the sign to a sale and “A” the family either puts it up the day before, or “B” forgets to take it down, even worse is when the sign is up on the right day, but they just decided to not have the sale. I do have more sense than to knock on some stranger’s door and inform them of this though. After all this is Tennessee “the patron state of shootin stuff”. This is a quote from a favorite movie of mine The Shooter. (Very true).

All this being said it really pays to do your research before venturing out, and there are all sorts of neat and nifty technologies to help you with this. There is of course map quest, and Google Earth which is really neat to see the street view so you can tell what you are looking for. There are a couple of neat phone apps that show location of sales too.

  I drove 71 miles yesterday while going to estate sales. It is nice to live out in the country, but it sure made for a long drive Thursday morning. As I said in an earlier post, at estate sales you really do have to get there early. This particular company that was hosting the sale does not put out their signs until 30 minutes before hand. I had punched in the address on my dysfunctional garmin, and it was giving me the runaround, but since I had used google earth, I finally found it based on sight.
The hosts were offering hot coffee and cookies to the customers. Nice thought, but bad idea. Hot liquids, caffeine, and sugar do not go well with overenthusiastic antique dealers. How are you supposed to hold hot coffee while clutching your loot anyways? They also had loud blaring trance type music on which I thought was very odd. Now I do enjoy loud blaring music on occasion, it’s just that I did not feel like dancing in a room full of fragile antiques and strangers. This sale had some nice things, scary looking furs and ….a Doll House! 

I know I am probably too old for a dollhouse, but I do have three girls, and they have a doll house at MiMa’s house. I probably could have gotten away with it, but this dollhouse was high dollar, 600.00 to be exact. That is way out of my price range. When I was a girl I made a dollhouse out of cardboard boxes, then when I was a teenager I saved my money and bought a kit, I never did have the money to finish it, and it got sold over the years, but maybe someday I’ll get one again 
Mine will have a little chest like this with little gems

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